Welcome to "Topics in Neuroethology"! This is the home page of a graduate-level seminar (PHYSL490B) held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The seminar was first organized by Malcolm MacIver and Mark Nelson in 1996 and 1999, and then once more by Rüdiger Krahe and Mark Nelson in spring 2003. One aim of the course was to develop a useful online resource for people interested in neuroethology. Beyond brief descriptions of classic model systems and important topics of neuroethological research, the web sites created by the participating students provide links to citation analyses of seminal papers in the respective field, and some recommended reading (see also General Reading on Neuroethology). While the list of topics and model systems covered here is in no way complete, we hope to have achieved at least part of our goal. Future seminar participants may add to this list and hopefully make it even more useful. 


Base images for animations Copyright 1984 Camhi (hit reload to see prey capture)

Site originally created by Malcolm A. MacIver and maintained by the Nelson Lab.